Another Arena Is In The Works

We’re Aiming for a January 2022 Completion
When the last Attwood Equestrian Surfaces arena near the Boyd Martin/ETB Schooling Field was built, it was said at the time that this would be the last.
Having seen it in use for nearly a year, while it is doing the job as intended, there is a feeling that we could do even better.
The original 330’ X 230’ arena was designed to accommodate one Stadium arena with warm up, or, two Stadium arenas, or three Dressage courts.
The trouble is that when used for warm up, horses can give the appearance of colliding or at the very least, getting [too] close together.
When used as either two Stadium arenas or three Dressage courts, riders like to warm up on the same footing thus making the present design far from optimal.
To accommodate the above, also to take into account the increasingly demanding requirements of National and International competitions, we are in the process of designing an additional Attwood Arena.
For Stadium, the Arena will be wide enough to take three Stadium Standards with room for three Trainers to provide instruction.
For Dressage, there will be space for a full size court with room for a judge’s car.
The present size is 70 meters X 36 meters, approximately 230’ X 118’. The new arena will be positioned at the front – on the old Dressage Field – and on the left of the present arena. There will be four access points, N, E, S and W. There will be direct access to the present arena via an existing entrance. No trees will be cut down.
Estimated start time is early December and completion is planned for the Aiken Opener.
Many thanks to all of you who have provided us with feedback so that we may enhance our facility and continue improving your experience.
Happy Holidays,
The Stable View Team
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