Pavilion Blog Post 5
As a change, Todd will be writing this Pavilion Blog.
Todd, CEO and President of Designer Builders, has had a major role in creating Stable View having built nearly all of the buildings situated here. Todd’s wise council and commitment to detail, plus his flexibility are the main reasons why this building is being built by Design Builders. In addition to building the Pavilion, Designer Builders is building both the Cottages (eight small Cottages for the Eventing Academy) and potentially 100 additional Stalls.
Over to Todd…
We are off to the races!
Through collaboration with our cooperative subcontractors, architect at Chris Booker and Associates, and designers at Nandina, our team at Designer Builders, Inc. is confident this LEED certified facility will be nothing short of a complete success! Careful research and thoughtful planning to create an equestrian event space like no other is taking its toll on the schedule, but the result will be extraordinary. Upon completion this will be the only LEED certified equestrian event facility in existence.

After a hurried start, progress is beginning to show itself with the maze of sub-grade plumbing and electrical raceways being installed in preparation for the pour of the concrete slab. The elevator shaft has arisen from the ground and future technological capabilities are being imagined. The process of trying to reach LEED Gold certification has added cost, time, and significant difficulty to this project but will produce amazing results. In addition to the extensive pre-planning element, the ongoing events at Stable View also present another level of schedule coordination, but the constant buzz of activity is pleasant.

Some of our goals to have complete by December are to be moving forward with steel fabrication, all submittals finalized and approved, first floor walls framed up, and all site work completed. The site work completion will allow us to move equipment around the jobsite much more freely and thus keep construction on a faster track. While we will have the holidays and events to contend with, we will be keeping our schedule moving forward.
As always, we are incredibly thankful to have such wonderful Owners and projects that keep us busy at Designer Builders. We hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving with family, friends and loved ones. We look forward to seeing and sharing all the progress in the next month!